Title tags for blogger play vital role in search engine optimization.Today i will hold the tutorial on title tags and various ways on how to add these tags and what effect it makes to SEO with various demos and pictures to make it all clear. The original way is blog title first then the post title tag like this:
Let me first tell you, this post is the part of my blogger design tutorial series i have started.Below are the first two Types of changing blogger post title:
Swap title hack.Swap the title or change the title for the posts of the blog in place of title of blog makes the seo for blogger. Title tags hack makes blogger search engine optimized. When you click the post in blogger the post title always appear after the blog title. and your blog is restricted to only blog title.
But now your title will come first on clicking your post which ill make it seo i.e the blogger title is swapped.
This title tag hack is also done in two ways:-
1. if you want blog title to appear after your post title separated by | sign.
2. Only post title will appear after clicking post.
First Change title tags for your blogger posts with blogger title-
1. Go to Layout then Edit Html
Search for this tag <title><data:blog.pagetitle/></title>
Replace this tag with Following tag
<b:if cond='data:blog.pagename==""'>
I hope you will like this swap title hack as this is very good for search engine optimization.
2. Change post title in blogger,this is the best hack then previous as only post title is the title for seo and will be searched. As blog title will not be indexed in it as previous.It all depend on you to use which hack as if you feel you blog title to be indexed as well with every title then you can use previous procedure else follow my this new change post title hack in blogger.
Go to Layout then Edit Html
search for this tag <title><data:blog.page.pagetitle/></title>
Replace this tag with following tag
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
Now For the Only Post Title Will appear like this
Let me first tell you, this post is the part of my blogger design tutorial series i have started.Below are the first two Types of changing blogger post title:
Swap title hack.Swap the title or change the title for the posts of the blog in place of title of blog makes the seo for blogger. Title tags hack makes blogger search engine optimized. When you click the post in blogger the post title always appear after the blog title. and your blog is restricted to only blog title.
But now your title will come first on clicking your post which ill make it seo i.e the blogger title is swapped.
This title tag hack is also done in two ways:-
1. if you want blog title to appear after your post title separated by | sign.
2. Only post title will appear after clicking post.
First Change title tags for your blogger posts with blogger title-
1. Go to Layout then Edit Html
Search for this tag
Replace this tag with Following tag
<b:if cond='data:blog.pagename==""'>
<title><data:blog.pagename/> | <data:blog:.title/></title>
I hope you will like this swap title hack as this is very good for search engine optimization.
2. Change post title in blogger,this is the best hack then previous as only post title is the title for seo and will be searched. As blog title will not be indexed in it as previous.It all depend on you to use which hack as if you feel you blog title to be indexed as well with every title then you can use previous procedure else follow my this new change post title hack in blogger.
Go to Layout then Edit Html
search for this tag <title><data:blog.page.pagetitle/></title>
Replace this tag with following tag
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
Now For the Only Post Title Will appear like this
realy its very usefull...